The KOLAŠIN ENERGY Company was established in 2014, as a result of our effort todo forestryoperations in a quality manner. We focus primarily on SALES of firewood, with an emphasis that we DELIVER firewoods across the entire territory of Montenegro.
Through our firewood production program, processedfirewoods are packed in pallets of appropriate dimensions that meet the standards of quality and strength, allowing for the safe transport and the ability to move.
As we are currently conducting negotiations with partners from Slovenia, Italy, Austria and Germany,to begin with the exports, we are nowstockpiling produced quantities and selling them to the domestic market but we believe that we will already start with the export in a month or two,as we possess high-quality timber and packaging that is widely used in the countries of the European Union.
We split and pack beech, oak and elmlogs, which are environmentally clean and used as fuel in fireplaces, furnaces, heat boilers and pizzerias. Firewood can be cut to a length of 25, 33, 50 and 70cm, or according to customer’s desires, while it’s up to costumersto decide on the type of granulation. We also have the widest range of firewood packages, such as pallets, bags.